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TheSkyX Plugin for AstroTrac 360
Unlock the full potential of your AstroTrac 360 with GoTo and so much more. Free X2 plugin for TheSkyX available now!
Introduction. Meet Colin McGill, plugin developer.
WhyThe SkyX? Key benefits for AstroTrac 360.
Demonstration. Connecting, slewing and parking your AstroTrac 360 with TheSkyX.
Fulltime high precision pointing. Even when your AstroTrac 360 is moved manually.
Summary. Get TheSkyX plugin for your AstroTrac 360.
1. Install the latest AstroTrac 360 firmware
2. Install TheSkyX
Professional Edition for basic telescope slew.
For imaging or plate solving you'll need the camera addon.
To build a pointing model you'll need the TPoint addon.
The above addons come bundled with the Imaging Edition.
There's also a multi-OS add on.
3. Install TheSkyX X2 plugin
AstroTrac would like to thank Colin McGill for developing the free AstroTrac 360 X2 plugin and Rodolphe Pineau for hosting the compiled multi-platform plugins at
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